Pot size (diameter): 5.5 cm.
Supplied in a plastic pot. Fits our Ceramic Plant Pot, Waves Pot, small Dente Pot and St Tropez Mini Plant Pots For Baby Plants.
A compact and fuzzy succulent which looks like a cactus but is actually soft to the touch, the Hylocereus Undatus 'Dragon Fruit' is a fast growing tropical plant which can produce vibrant pink fruit with maturity (unfortunately this is unlikely in a normal UK home environment!).
Low maintenance and fuss free!
Light: Keep in bright indirect light, will tolerate medium light and may burn in direct light.
Water: Water once the top third of soil has dried out, do not let it sit in water.
Food: Feed monthly during the growing season but not during the winter.
Humidity: Appreciative of high humidity, but will tolerate normal home humidity.