Sold separately. Please use the drop down menu to select which colour plant you want.
Pot size (diameter): 12 cm, Approx Height: 20 cm.
Supplied in a plastic pot. Photographed in our mustard yellow Pisa Pot and also fits our Alicante Plant Pot 15 x 14cm.
Also known as the 'False Shamrock Plant' because of its leaves clover-like appearance, the Oxalis produces small white flowers in the warmer months of the year.
These vibrant little plants leaves will open up when the sun comes out and close in the evening when it goes down!
Please note that Oxalis leaves are very delicate and easily damaged during transit, but this fast growing plant will readily produce more leaves through out the growing season but are likely to have cosmetic damage on arrival.
Light: Bright, indirect sunlight will produce the biggest leaves but also really show off the plants bold purple leaves. Be careful not to leave them in direct sun or their leaves can crisp.
Water: During growing season water regularly, wait until the top soil is dry before watering again. Always keep soil slightly moist, drooping leaves is a sign that your Oxalis needs watering. Do not water over winter while your Oxalis is dormant, allow the leaves to die back and store the bulbs until Spring when you can replant them.
Food: Feed once a month during the growing season.
Humidity: These plants thrive in a high humidity situation, but are also content with normal household humidity.